Wednesday, April 21, 2010


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Twitter is a tool that allow people around the world to interact with others through what they call tweets. You can also use Twitter to send emails, texts and blogs. I chose Twitter because I enjoyed the idea of engaging with students that I am presently instructing or have instructed had in the past. I am an instructor at a community college so I only have student for a semester. Some students are so passionate about technology that they always ask what’s new in technology or what are you teaching this semester?

With using Twitter in the educational arena the instructor(s) could have their students, to sign up for twitter. Once the student’s have signed up they can invite you to become their friend or vice versa. They now are able to keep up with your blogs and know exactly what’s going on in your class, and can post questions or responses if they would like. Your present students can receive assignments, homework and general information provided. If a student has a question about something now they are able twitter you through an email or a message post. If you would like, you can post the answer so everyone can see, just incase others may have the same question or email that student back. This makes communication very easy for the student as well as the teacher.

I would like to mention other features that Twitter provide, you can find people, and there are different ways to find them such as browse suggestion, find friend on other networks, invite by email or find people already using twitter. They also have an option setting which allow you to view your account and change your password. The mobile option allow you to set-up your account for your mobile phone, after which there are other steps to go through then they will give you a code to text to them and you are then set-up to receive text messages through twitter and emails.

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